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Par les auteurs Lynne Faubert, Michele Forgione, David de Stefano Montrealissimo - Vivre et manger à l'italienne à Montréal ► Visit our website at for more details!Ģ313 Saint Catherine Ouest, Montreal, Quebec H2元K8 Like our page to stay up to date with our next event! ► This event is brought to you by Deuces Wild Productions. VIDEO brought to you by VISION STUDIO by JIMMY NEMESIS

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Celebrating also our gorgeous Partner Lady YIFANG HU and the beautiful SASA KWAN's birthdays at the legendary ARENA nightclub. Once again, the Deuces Team is all about doing it big, this party is going to be one night to remember. On Friday May 17th, we present to you: GIRLS NIGHT OUT, an exclusive night dedicated to the ladies. Watch in 1080p for full Xprerience ! Watch/Share/Like !ĭEUCES WILD is proud to present the HOTTEST LADIES NIGHT IN MONTREAL. Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE :)

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GIRLS NIGHT OUT at ARENA Montreal by DeucesWild

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